Manaaki Whenua Gardens – GARDEN CLOSED due to unforeseen circumstances



Unfortunately this garden is now closed for the festival due to unforeseen circumstances.

Our microclimate gully garden is something different. With a bridge, stream, terracing, sculptures, pathways, seating and unique pruning (platted trees) of natives and exotics. The gardens diverse design concepts are a response to Climate-Change. Also, attempting to be inclusive of concepts relating to (Māori) Manaaki Whenua; ‘Manaaki – to cherish, conserve and sustain. Whenua encompasses the soil, rocks, plants, animals and people inhabiting the land’.

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{{ getRouteId(index) }}
{{ route.distance.text }} | {{ route.duration.text }}
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{{ listing.fields['garden-number'] }}
  • {{ tag.name }}
  • {{ tag.name }}

{{ listing.fields.address }}