Quick tips

Taranaki Fringe Garden Festival 2025

Navigating The Gardens

Quick tips for tour groups or multi day visits to the Taranaki Fringe Garden Festival.

Some key points to consider


Allow 45mins - 1 hour for each garden

Allow 45mins - 1 hour for each garden visit, and allow a maximum of 6 gardens per day


Allow 4 - 5 days for your tour

Allow 4 - 5 days for your tour to cover the majority of our gardens .


Only $2p/p

Very economical, only $2p/p at each garden, this is payable on entry to each garden.  We do not have pre-booked tickets.   If on a Bus Tour, the tour operator may pay one lump sum at each garden for all your visitors.  


Travel each day to a different geographical location

Travel each day to a different geographical location, eg. Waitara / Bell Block, Lepperton / Inglewood / Stratford, Hawera & the surrounding countryside, New Plymouth, Rural New Plymouth to Oakura & then down the cost to Opunake. - see our suggested itineraries.


View icons and information

View icons and information on each Garden/Place of Interest listing to see if toilets, refreshments, plants for sale and wheelchair access are available and whether parking restrictions apply. Dates and open times are also listed.



Friendly, hospitable garden owners



Accommodation options by our supporters and by the Venture Taranaki website.

Welcome to our 21st Taranaki Fringe Garden Festival which runs for 10 days from Friday 31st October to Sunday 9th November 2025.

During the ten days our garden owners host over 40 private gardens & Places of Interest for you to visit, last year we had over 42,180 garden visits to our festival. Come and be inspired and motivated to create or enhance your own garden.

With a large variety of gardens ranging from compact townhouse to large rambling country gardens, cottage gardens through to native gardens, there is something for everyone. Garden creativity in abundance.

Visit our Places of Interest for a range of garden art and crafts or take a ride on our historic railway.

Can we help organise your tour?

For more information or to help organise your tour, please contact Anne.

What impressed me the most besides the lovely presented gardens was the warmth and friendliness of the people, so welcoming and generous. Thank you Fringe gardens; you are affordable and an incredible group of real gardeners. Well organised and very tasteful.
Feedback about the festival

Key Description

Plants For Sale

Wheelchair Friendly

Toilets Available

Bus Tours by Arrangement

Bus Tours Welcome

Refreshments Available

Garden Listings

Place of Interest Listings

Accommodation, Activities and Business Listings