Bushview Gardens

New Plymouth

Elaine Schreiber

1st - 10th Nov
9am - 5pm

A large colourful garden in the heart of Merrilands for you to meander and enjoy the abundance of colour from present and many old favourites throughout. A garden with a friendly atmosphere that loves to be shared awaits you among the array of plants etc, with a stunning view to behold.

  • {{ option.name }}

Enter a message and email addresses below to share your trip and directions with yourself and friends.

Your directions and optimal route will be included in the email.
If you want to include the map and directions between each listing then you'll need to complete directions section.

Want to find the best way to travel between each listing? All you need to do is select where you want to start and finish and we'll figure out the rest. You can then email yourself and friends with the directions or open them up on Google Maps for your trip.


Open in Google Maps

{{ getRouteId(index) }}
{{ route.distance.text }} | {{ route.duration.text }}
List View
Map View

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{{ listing.fields['garden-number'] }}
  • {{ tag.name }}
  • {{ tag.name }}

{{ listing.fields.address }}